Monday, December 21, 2009

What is it with me and forgetting about blogs?

Honestly, I have no idea! It's quite strange... And before you ask, no sorry, this post won't be as long and fancy as my previous one. ;) I just came here to post. :p So yep, I just finished section 52, and it's the 21st of December... Isn't it making how fast time flies? Well, I want to *try*and finish by January 4th, (Thiahaelon's birthday) and if not that, then I WILL (for sure!) be done before May 12th (My birthday. :p) I set odd deadlines for myself, such as, wanting to be published before I get my drivers licence. (Yeah, sad I know, I'm willing to wait on my licence so I can get published. :rolleyes: Well, at least that's a few years away.)

Another thing that's developed, is I seem to have a group of people follwoing me about offline and online, poking me to get writing. ;) (you know you who are, namely, my Mum, and a few friends; Dannflow, Kuualoha, FrogGirl and Insaity. <-from the DioM forum, though I know my Mum and Dannflow offline. :p Of course I know my Mum offline! XD :p) But yep, I've been really slow in writing, so these people pester me. :p As I write this, Dannflow's going "more went can it be excpected?" ...grammer... (He corrected to "went can I expct more?") ...close enough... Well, hopefully soon. It's summer holidays after all here in NZ, and I don't plan too much to do, so I should have pleanty of time to write. ;) So to ya'll who poke me, keep doing so, and to ya'll who can't, but are reading: 'Till next time!

Disappearing once more through the screen layer,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What's it about? -The age old question...

Why is it- whenever I talk to someone and mention I’m writing a story- they ask the age old question- “What’s it about?” It pops up everywhere! My usual response is a laugh, then trying to fumble through a brief summary- but then the summary starts to sound like a book in itself. I mean, how can you sum up over fifty thousand words into a paragraph? It’s belittling the story! Then after my failed attempt to describe what I’m working on- they tend to ignore it and categorise it as some random ‘rant’. In my many experiences of this- I’ve learnt one thing about myself in particular; I CANNOT summarise my stories! Not in the slightest. If you ask me what I did over the past month- sure, I could summarise that in a paragraph. But Thaihaelon? No way! I mean- I’ll try and give it a go now... You’ll see what I mean. Warning, this synopsis will be pathetic.

Markus starts to play a videogame called Thaihaelon. He logs in and finds a couple of his friends online. After killing a massive slug with an uber-cool sword, he and his friends talk to a hack in the game- she tells them that the game is swallowing people up, and that people are dying in the game. So it’s up to Markus and his friends to destroy the screen layer that’s keeping them all trapped in the game. So then they go and destroy the first tower. Markus meets this strange old centaur man who starts telling him stories about Thaihaelon- and that it’s not really a game. Then one of Markus’s friends, Karisia, gets kidnapped and the group goes to the second tower where Masadorraed destorys it. Then they go and save Karisia, and destroy the third tower. After that, Masadorraed keeps seeing volcanoes in the sky. So they decide to hop on the Hacker’s pirate ship and look for an island with the volcano on it, and hopefully the fourth tower

...I’ll stop there. Now I’ll point out some of the many mistakes-

Point one: It IS a rant! Really, it just went on and on and on.... It was too long. That’s probably two paragraphs or more!
Point two: It sounds stupid. To skip certain details and cover so much sounds stupid. Really, I didn’t even mention Saroheed or Aluria!
Point three: It sounded typical. Just like every other book out there on the shelf; who would want to pick it up if it sounded typical?
Point four: It sounds boring. What did I say in there that was really interesting? Nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t even read this far because of falling asleep from my synopsis.
Point five: Spoilers! It you're going to blurt everything out- just put it on the net... *looks at website self made* Ugh- it's a first draft. ^_^'
Now, what can I do to fix these problems? One thing that some authors will do is take something really interesting from their book and use it on the back cover. It could be something dramatic- like the intro to a massive battle. It could be something suspenseful, a questioning scene of a great mystery. Or maybe it’s emotional? Something that will connect the reader and character before the reader even opens the book.

Some of you might have heard the saying ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, but the problem is, these days, quite a few people do. There are those who cover browse, there are those who blurb –synopsis- browse, and there are those who will open up and read the prologue. Hopefully I’ll be able to get the prologue readers hooked, and I’ll see in time on the cover browsers... But the synopsis readers? I think I’ll be picking from a few scenes once the books done. ;)

Disappearing through the Screen Layer


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wow- I'm a slow updater...

Don't you just hate it when you get so busy- you can't work on something you really want to do. Well, that's how I've felt lately. I mean- Celery, Fencing, Youth Group, Drawing, FMAB, Forum AND then of course, writing Thaihaelon... There's so much! (Yeah, I took up fencing. :p I'm telling you all. It. Is. AWESOME! :D Yeah- I know, I get poked allot, (in particular by one person, but hey :p) but it's great. But this post ain't bout' Fencing, so...)

I've learnt recently I need to devide my time better to focus on what I'm doing. I know, it sounds easy- but it's allot harder than it sounds! I mean, I'm here writing at the moment- and it's just a couple minutes before ten. *sighs* I'm a night-time person. Let me explain my slowness reasons:

I've figured it out! If you check the recent sections I've posted, (Notice that they're rather short... I wonder why...) they somewhat contain a lacuk of action. I know that a story shouldn't be all go-go-go! but too much slowwing down will not only bore the reader methinks- but it'll also put the author to sleep! That's been my problem. Well, I've got something figured out, and hopefully it'll give me a boost. Here's a little teaser for you: What happened to the Minotaurs? Well,there's some food for thought. And it's brought me back into the story. So on that, I'll finish this post. *laughs* I know, short post, but better than none.

Disappearing once more through the screen layer,

Friday, July 3, 2009

I've decided...

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, so much has been happening, and I haven't gotten to to much writing...

About the competition:
I don't know the kind of reactions I'll get, but I've decided NOT to go for the copmetition. I'll go for publishing the normal way.

Finally I've gotten another section up! Finally! I haven't written a decent amout in quite a while, a few months probably... *looks at last update* not since may 16th! Well, I'm stoping that here, and now. Section 30 is up. Praise be to God that this happened tonight. t's been heavy on my mind that I haven't been writing much, so this is amazing! I'm in a really good mood right now. =D

Another reason I'm up at this hour (eleven... at night. O.o) is because there's these people up the road having a loud party, hopefully I'll catch SOME shut-eye... especcialy since the HOLIDAYS START TOMORROW! =D

Well, I'll be off now. Thanks for reading. =D

This is Icey, disappering thorugh the screenlayer! =D

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Still undecided; The Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award

I still don't know to enter or not; I am torn between a couple things on the matter. As mentioned earlier, I'm having tourble deciding on entering, although publishing ins't required, it is opptional; I may not even win, and its quite unlikely, especially when you conider how much writing I have done in the past. I am not trying to doubt, just saying I need clarification; I am undecided. I may enter Thaihaelon, and I do hope to, but I don't know if I should... I still would really like comments.
Remember, I do have another secret story that I may enter if I don't enter Thaihaelon. :)
:) Look forwards to any feedback. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Writing Competition; The Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award

I've had mixed feedback to what people think of the competition... some say I should enter, others don't...
Some say that since it includes an offer to be published (offer only made to the winner.), I should just right on and go for it...
Others say that since its Scholastic... well... they are kinda... their books are... well... Um yeah, you get the idea.

I meet all the requirements to enter,
10,00 words minumum
not been published
being an NZ residant
and is not being considered for publishing...

due to the regular size of the company's books, its possible I would have to devide Thaihaelon into four smaller books, turing it into a series... I would much prefer to keep it as a single book, nice and big-ish. (I know, bad reason.)
I need opinions! *Panics* If you want to look for more info on the competition goto The Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award page, any help is much appriciated!

Oh and one more thing, I have a secret side-story (Don't even try and pry it from me!) that I could enter if I don't enter Thaihaelon; That is, if I can manage two storys by the time of entry cut-offs. *laughs*